Wheelchairs For Iraqi Children
Read (here) for Michael Yon's latest entry about wheelchairs for kids in Iraq. The story was written by a mainstream anonymous journalist under-the-table/unauthorized.
Bombardment by the media about Iraq is tiresome. I'm sick of it and I even get into it by questioning all the motives and reasons for why there is a US presence in that country. Civil war is on the breeze and it is being pushed through in the media's gale. Failure of the Bush Administration is the result. Yet, we take the CNN headlines in our anger toward this President and impeachment comes to mind. We forget to ask what good is being done over there. We lose forsight that this country's future isn't in the hands of bombers and enemies of the West. It is in the children, unborn, and impressionable youths that Iraq could once again become a stable, secure country with the hope that it will eventually become an equal rights democracy.
Over there, the children admire the Soldiers as they hand out the goods, but they also impose a security threat. A young boy may have a bomb in his trousers. Just like any war, our warriors are always on guard and can be quite harsh to these kids if they don't follow soldier's warnings to stay away from them.
I think they don't understand the opportunites being offered to them. Education, sanitization, better homes and overall life are all on the table. This is true regardless the 'motives' and reasons we went there.
Well, I was going to continue but I just had a big scare. I just dumped a little beer in the keyboard. I think it's OK, but man, keyboards don't have any alcohol tolerance whatsoever.
Anyways, check out Michael Yon's blog and maybe have some hope for that little country in the Middle East we call Iraq.
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