Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry's comment on Iraq

Thanks John Kerry for your botched 'joke'. Errrr, someone correct me where I should emphasis with the parenthesi. 'Botched' or not, Kerry's "joke" wasn't a wise one. Even for those that are forced to enlist end up being trained in a state-of-the-art military, operating thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Think about it, a young man, unable to attend college, finds himself in boot camp and discovers that he has a knack for mechanical things. Today, he maintains the tanks in the hot desert. Tomorrow, he'll repair your electric vehicles. Often, even a measily national guardswoman operates and maintains equipment that costs thousands of dollars.

Stupid is as Stupid does.

Of course, the GOP has really pounced on this statement. The liberal left has down played it, even attempting to say that what Kerry said isn't really the issue--if a Republican had said the same thing, the left would assault our web browsers with headline after headline--at Huffpo, more 'scandals' stretch from left to right at the headset of their home page.