Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Evil Dead book to not star in remake, fans furious

Three years ago, after the mention that Sam Raimi and company announced the remake of the cult horror classic "The Evil Dead", internet boards speculated who would replace "Ash" in religious fervor "no one can replace Bruce Campbell". Now, another rumour was mentioned that the original Book of the Dead, or the Necronomicon, will not be casted. This is the cause of the L.A. protests Monday, March 27, 2006. Books to replace the original Book of the Dead that have been mentioned: Gone with the Wind, Qu'ran, Fight Club, and the college edition of Webster's Dictionary.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Cindy Sheehan to star in Susan Sarandon flick, er, vice versa!

Here it is folks! "Cooper's blog" exclusive insider's pics to the lastest Cindy Sheehan bio-movie. Yes, I know that it hasn't even begun pre-production, but one thing is for sure is that the producers will incorporate 'stock' footage to make the movie more appealing for modern movie-goers.

Sarandon after 2-minute make-up call:

Seige on the Bush Ranch, Crawford, Texas:

Peregrin Took as George W. Bush:

Larry B. Troll as Crazy Rancher:

Reuters and Associated Press horde:

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

OMG Prison abuse -- pushups Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 10, 2006

CNN: Bringing in breaking news two weeks late

I watched CNN yesterday evening and there's a segment on Fred Phelps (click). A "journalist" rode along to one of Phelp's protests at a funeral of a servicemen. It is good that CNN paid so much attention to this powerful, outspoken, religious leader like it was groundbreaking eventhough this guy has been around for years. There was little mention of the Patriot Guard counter-protesting Phelp's gang of thugs. The Patriot Guard is a group of motorcycle enthusiants who request permission of the next of kin to attend the funeral. They gather with their bikes and escort the procession to the grave site as well as protect the mourners from the out cries of the protesters. You can all read it for yourself and if it doesn't draw a tear from you then you must be related to a rock.

Another segment was about the young woman raped and strangled in NYC. A woman took the side that this was a tragedy and another schmuck said "she was asking for it" just because she was drunk in a bar at 4 AM, thus this tragedy could have been 'prevented'. Little did they mention that the victim was studying criminal pyschology. So ladies, if you don't want to be a victim of rape, murder, or some sicko perv flirting with you, make sure you wear enough clothing to make you look fat, do not show any sign of cleavage, in fact, just don't go outside your home at all. Cover your face and walk 5 paces behind your husband, or your safety would be compromised and you might have a good chance of being the next victim. God, why does this sound familiar?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Gallup Poll: Over half Americans reject Evolution, are stupid

Gallup: More Than Half of Americans Reject Evolution, Back Bible

It's a good thing Gallup is on it's toes to support the idea that Americans that reject Evolution are Republican, older, and are less educated than the smaller percentage who do believe in Evolution.

I must ask if evolution theory and the scientific evidence supporting it is sound why do people have their heads in the sand believing in something that scientists and researchers dismiss?
They are "not so quick to agree with the preponderance of scientific evidence."
Indeed, I haven't had any recent study of new evidence in evolution, but I have had the priviledge of being amused by it a decade ago in my high school biology class. At least, I should admit, I learned the material and did very well in grades; just that the theory of evolution and the origins of life was like learning to piece together a puzzle with a jackhammer--if a piece doesn't fit where it should go, just bash it in there.

Surely, we have plenty of evidence in the fossil record: from homo erectus to neanderthals. Scientists can take a skull and reconstruct it in such a way to support their theory. I'm convinced.

We forget that scientific study depends on expirimentation and observation. Evolution is still a theory just because we can't observe it. Yet, these guys are adamant about their convictions.

If macro evolution exists, meaning a species can mutate and evolve into a new species, then I could assume that in the last 6,000 years of human history there should be at least one instance of a mutation that has been observed by a human and documenting it.

Over the years, I've been frustrated with juggling a coffee mug in one hand and carrying a bag of groceries and to be presented with an obstruction of digging keys out of my pocket and unlock a door all at the same time. I do believe in natural selection and adaptation to a certain degree, but this is nonsense because the problem of not having enough arms or hands most likely has been around throughout the ages. Apemen and apewomen surely had troubles picking through the brush for berries and balancing an apebaby. By now, we should have had a mutation in our genes to solve this. Maybe a stow-away 'shelf' that could drop down from the torso to hold a bag or two so we can open a door. Or a cup holder attached to our abdomen for travel mugs because the ones in the car is either filled with change or breath mints. Marsupials had the right idea of growing a pouch to stow "Joey". I haven't a clue why humans can't have a pouch.
Those with lower levels of education, those who attend church regularly, those who are 65 and older, and those who identify with the Republican Party are more likely to believe that God created humans 'as is,' than are those who do not share these characteristics."
Basically, they mean that people who reject evolutionary theory are stupid. This infuriates me because I could take it a step further and say that these folks are not as evolved as the folks who do hold a degree. Excuse me, but I can think for myself and rationalize enough to decide what I think is fact and what I think is faith.

Fights against teaching evolution in public schools are useless. A better tactic would be to have parents with children in the public education system to learn to have a high level of discernment. To be able to question for themselves and search for their own answers. To have a free, critical thinking aspect to their education. I try to not swallow everything I hear, especially in a classroom.